Monday, June 30, 2014

Quinn Trailer + Quick Update

Dearest me it has been a while since an update. It's late, and I want to get this off my chest, this past week or so has been a major shake-up. For Theta and my own life. Phase 3 is coming this Saturday if things don't proceed to shake-up. That is all I'm saying for the moment, if nothing else know this, I hate leaving everyone in the dark, I hate hiatuses, and most of all I hate excuses. So let me sum it up: it's complicated.

Also I haven't updated the kickstarter in a month... dammit. I'll do it in the afternoon.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Worst Part of the Job

Theta Episode 1 Phase 2 has been released, slight delay, sorry folks.

Now to finish Phase 3 *sigh*.